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The EVC Register


What is The EVC Register?

The EVC Register is a register of trained Educational Visits Coordinators (EVCs), which keeps a record of individuals who have received training and certification from a reputable provider. The register is a way to ensure that schools and educational establishments have trained individuals overseeing educational visits.

Being on The EVC Register signifies that an individual has completed the necessary training as recommended by the Department for Education, OEAP National Guidance and is prepared to oversee educational visits. It's always a good idea to consult this register when looking for qualified EVCs for your educational trips.



Your questions answered…

  • It is free to be listed on The EVC Register, however you must meet some criteria.

    You must have attended an appropriate EVC Course.

    • Led or overseen by an OEAP EVC Course Director (see OEAP Find an Adviser) or SAPOE approved trainer if in Scotland.

    • Lasting 6 hours in total, either face to face, virtual classroom or blended learning.

    • Resulting in a formal certificate being issued.

    We will consider certificates other than the above on a case by case basis.

  • The EVC register is a Central Register of Trained EVCs. The list is publicly accessible online at

    Individual EVCs are listed on The EVC Register with their name and date of current EVC Certification. When registering, you are asked to provide your school name and location, details of who provided your training, and a contact email address. These data are used to manage your account, verify your qualification and to enable reporting on the distribution of EVCs.

    By default, an individual’s Location, School and Email address are not visible to the public unless you opt to share this data, which requires your explicit consent for the information to be displayed. EVCs may choose to add further, optional information such as a photo or social media profile but this is not required.

    In line with our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 2018, we have conducted a data impact assessment and we are confident that there there is little or no risk to the individual.

    The EVC Register is powered by Accredible, an online certification platform. Safety and data protection were important factors in choosing Accredible. The platform uses the latest blockchain security measures and data is stored and processed in the EU. Find out more here.

    At EVOLVE Advice, we take data security very seriously and ensure that what we do is not only compliant but ethical too. If you have any questions about how we control and process data, please contact our Data Protection Officer via Read our privacy policy for more information.

  • If you are an OEAP Course Director, or SAPOE approved trainer, delivering EVC training that meets the criteria, your learners will be eligible to join the register. They will need to join as an individual to ensure that they have given the appropriate consent and can choose what information they want to display in the public register.

    We’re happy to provide information or graphics for you to share with your learners to help explain The EVC Register, please get in touch at

  • The EVC Register gives approved training providers a way of offering your learners an online certification and verification system without the need to invest in costly development.

    We invite and encourage other training providers to use and share it with their learners.

    There is no fee for using or viewing the register.

  • EVOLVE Advice believes in the value, importance and need for trained EVCs in schools.

    We train over 1000 EVCs per year and as such want to help raise the profile of the role to relevant stakeholders.

    We have created, and are administering, The EVC Register but we hope it will be adopted by organisations across the sector. It is intended for the benefit of everyone involved in educational visits and learning beyond the classroom.


When organising an educational visit, confidence is crucial. School senior leaders and teachers need to be confident that the advice they are given is accurate. This register will help build this confidence by ensuring Educational Visit Coordinators meet the standards set by the OEAP and the Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education and they keep up to date with changes and developments relevant to organising off-site visits. - School Travel Forum